Tuesday, May 15, 2007

English learners

English sails
This is a blog set up for learning English by exposing what we have learnt. In a way it is learning by doing. Correcting by making mistakes.In the future this blog entitled English Student may turn to learn some other language with the confidence of having become an English Student. Then the Englished student may learn some other language.

Wait. Another idea!

Are there only languages to be learnt in the world?

No, there are many things. Arts , Science etc...etc... '

But let us first get confined ourselves now with English learning.

We all know and fully aware that there are hundreds of English teaching websites and blogs in the Internet. I don't know whether there is any English teaching blog. There might be. The possibilities are immense.

Ours is quite simple a humble attempt to learn English by sharing what we have learnt.

English is an ocean.

We don't know whether the ocean we sail on with high waves and tides, winds and gales land us on the shore or lead us to many other beaches. We sail on with the good hope of visiting many lands.

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